Usability and prospective of distance learning in Vocational Training determined by digital competence
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Educational innovations
online learning
digital competence
vocational training Innovación educacional
aprendizaje en línea
competencia digital
formación profesional

How to Cite

Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., López-Belmonte, J., Pozo-Sánchez, S., & López-Núñez, J.-A. (2021). Usability and prospective of distance learning in Vocational Training determined by digital competence. Aula Abierta, 50(1), 471–480.


Information and communication technologies have fully entered society and, therefore, vocational training. The objective of the study is to identify and predict the incidence of digital competence in the use of online learning in Vocational Training teachers. The research method is descriptive, correlational and predictive, in a sample of 627 teachers from the Spanish geography. The data has been collected by means of a questionnaire. The results show a competence deficit in various areas of digital competence, something that directly affects the application of online learning, although the levels in the areas of information and digital literacy, problem solving and communication skills and Collaboration can mark the use of the e-learning method by teachers.
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