Learning Spanish as a foreign language through Music
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Spanish as a foreign language
media Español como Lengua Extranjera

How to Cite

Pérez-Carmona, J. L., Vicente-Bújez, A., Díaz-Mohedo, M. T., & Ortega-Martín, J. L. (2021). Learning Spanish as a foreign language through Music. Aula Abierta, 50(2), 643–652. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.50.2.2021.643-652


Music has multiple characteristics that make it an ideal tool for teaching and learning languages. Although some research has been done on this subject, there are still many areas to explore. This quantitative research presents survey data from 178 students of Spanish as a Foreign Language to better understand how adult learners use music and other media in their practice of Spanish. Non-parametric statistical tests were carried out. Data showed participants used music more frequently than other media as a means to practice Spanish outside of the classroom, despite having difficulties understanding the lyrics. Also, musical training was found to be an indicator of a higher level of lyrical comprehension. It was concluded that the growing popularity of Spanish language music, changes in music consumption, and the democratization of listening platforms— along with the ability that songs have to generate well-being and to create links, as well as to represent the target culture—were decisive factors in the use of songs in the learning of Spanish as a foreign language.

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