Patios divertidos in Secondary and Vocational Training: an experience through Service-Learning
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Education Aprendizaje-servicio

How to Cite

Torres-García, S. ., Valverde, T., & Salvador-García, C. (2022). Patios divertidos in Secondary and Vocational Training: an experience through Service-Learning. Aula Abierta, 51(1), 37–44.


Engaging recesses was a Service Learning project aimed at improving social relationships among a group of secondary school students (ESO). We present such experience in students of ESO and Vocational Education and Training on Physical Activities and Animation (TAFAD) by analyzing the dimensions of socialization, friendship, usefulness, conflicts and learning. We conclude that the project has achieved its objectives: to improve ESO students’ socialization, integration and inclusion, as well as promote the integral development of TAFAD students.
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