Reading and talking, the course of the literary gathering in a sixth grade class
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indagación narrativa
creación curricular
tertulia literaria narrative inquiry
curriculum making
literary circle

How to Cite

Molina Galvañ, M. D. (2021). Reading and talking, the course of the literary gathering in a sixth grade class. Aula Abierta, 50(3), 697–704.


This paper presents the curricular story of an experience of being alongside a Primary Education classroom. The story focuses on the course of the literary circle, which is the pedagogical way with which this teacher opens a time to read and talk together in class. A story that is intertwined with the stories that precede it and, at the same time, with new stories that emerge from it. The article structures a temporality that runs longitudinally through the narrative plot of this educational experience, showing, in its journey and in a narrative way, the changes, inventions and overflows that are taking place. Approaching a way of living the curriculum as a plan that is being composed and co-composed in the very process of teaching and learning.
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