A sample of Ecuadorian adolescents’ perceptions on social support and family communication and cohesion. Differences between age and sex, and implications for emotional education
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apoyo social, comunicación familiar, cohesión familiar, adolescentes, educación emocional Social support, family communication, family cohesion, adolescents, emotional education

How to Cite

Álvarez González, B., Zabaleta, L. I., & Vaca Gallegos, S. L. (2021). A sample of Ecuadorian adolescents’ perceptions on social support and family communication and cohesion. Differences between age and sex, and implications for emotional education. Aula Abierta, 50(4), 787–798. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.50.4.2021.787-798


Adolescence is an important stage because of its characteristic evolutionary changes and also because of how environmental factors can influence these changes. This study is part of a broader investigation (PROMETEO-SENESCYT Project, Ecuador), it is non-experimental, the methodology is quantitative, and these analyses are cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational and inferential. An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) has been carried out on the questionnaire Cómo es TU familia (CTF) (Hernández, 1996), The main objective is to identify, through the responses of a sample of Ecuadorian adolescents (12-17 years old), their perceptions about their involvement and participation in the search for social support in the face of problems, as well as their perception about family cohesion and communication (scales of the CTF questionnaire). These perceptions have been analysed according to age and gender using Student's T test for independent samples, and finally an ANOVA 1 F.E.F. Among the conclusions, and regarding emotional education, the studied scales studied are related to dimensions of socio-emotional education that involve competencies related to them. Since the purpose of these scales is that they can be applied as a tool to establish baselines of the family climate of the adolescent population, and from there design interventions in Emotional Education adjusted to the specific context of a specific population.

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