Studying the professional identity of pre-service teachers of primary education in CLIL: Design and validation of a questionnaire


Content and Language Integrated Learning
Pre-service language teachers
Primary education
Professional identity
Questionnaire Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras
Docentes de lengua en formación
Educación primaria
Identidad profesional

How to Cite

Díaz-Martín, C., Gómez-Parra, M.-E., & Tafazoli, D. (2022). Studying the professional identity of pre-service teachers of primary education in CLIL: Design and validation of a questionnaire . Aula Abierta, 51(4), 329–340.


Within the bilingual education context, the role of professional identity, widely studied across several areas of educational research, is scarcely explored in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). According to the literature, few studies address the analysis of the pre-service teachers’ professional identity in CLIL. Understanding the role of professional identity is vital for teachers’ professional development and even to adapt training programmes for CLIL teacher education. Thus, this study presents the design of a questionnaire aiming at analysing the professional identity of pre-service teachers in CLIL. The questionnaire was validated through a panel of experts and applied to 73 pre-service language teachers of primary education. Results demonstrated a valid and reliable instrument. Differences in tests administered to participants were statistically significant. Hence, the designed instrument serves as a starting point to evaluate the pre-service teachers’ professional identity.


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