A pedagogical framework to promote sustainable financial literacy in competence-based vocational secondary education and training


pedagogical approach
sustainable development
sustainable finance
sustainable financial literacy
vocational secondary education and training enfoque pedagógico
desarrollo sostenible
finanzas sostenibles
competencia financiera sostenible
educación y formación profesional secundaria

How to Cite

Margeviča-Grinberga , I., Lake, S., Pigozne, T., Siirilä , J., & Surikova, S. (2023). A pedagogical framework to promote sustainable financial literacy in competence-based vocational secondary education and training: The SuFi project case. Aula Abierta, 52(1), 61–70. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.52.1.2023.61-70


This article analysed scientific literature and normative documents to design a pedagogical framework for promoting sustainable financial literacy in competence-based vocational secondary education and training within the Interreg Central Baltic project “Sustainability in Finance – SuFi”. An empirical study was conducted in 2020–2021 that involved observing and analysing ideation, elaboration, and piloting processes for an open online module on sustainability issues in vocational business education and training within the SuFi project. The study analysed structured interview responses from nine SuFi project participants; the qualitative data analysis design for the same was based on grounded theory and a constant comparative method. The pedagogical approaches to promoting sustainable financial literacy are described and a systematic, comprehensive, evidence-based proposal is given for promoting sustainable financial literacy in competence-based vocational secondary education and training. The pedagogical framework presented in this article also suggests concrete directions for future pedagogical practice and research.



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