Relationship between academic performance, psychosocial factors and healthy habits in secondary school students
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actividad física
calidad en la dieta
Factores psicosociales
rendimiento académco Physical activity
Diet quality
Emotional Intelligence
Academic performance

How to Cite

Pérez-Mármol, M., Chacón-Cuberos, R., Castro-Sánchez, M., & Gamarra Vengoechea, M. A. (2023). Relationship between academic performance, psychosocial factors and healthy habits in secondary school students. Aula Abierta, 52(3), 281–288.


The objective of this study was to analyze the relationships between emotional intelligence (EI), physical self-concept, healthy habits (physical activity and Mediterranean diet), and academic performance, in a sample of 1650 students from the province of Granada. The design was descriptive-exploratory, cross-sectional and ex post-facto, carrying out a structural equation model (SEM). To measure the variables, the CAF questionnaire was used, for physical self-concept; the PAQ-A questionnaire, to evaluate the practice of physical activity; the KIDMED, to measure the quality of the diet; and a questionnaire (ad hoc) to school performance. The results reflected that there is a relationship between all dimensions of EI with greater strength in emotional regulation and understanding, and general self-concept; that those subjects who better understand their emotions, follow healthier habits; that there is a positive relationship between diet and physical activity; and that academic performance is higher when the general self-concept is, it is better to eat and perform physical activity. In this way, the key role of emotional education as a protector of health and psychological well-being is emphasized.
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