Beliefs and academic performance in mathematics at admission to engineering degrees
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Mathematics Education
Academic Achievement
Data Analysis Educación Matemática
Rendimiento Académico
Análisis de Datos

How to Cite

Mello-Román, J. D., & Gómez-Chacón, I. M. (2022). Beliefs and academic performance in mathematics at admission to engineering degrees . Aula Abierta, 51(4), 407–415.


This article describes the nature of the belief systems of a group of students applying for engineering degrees at the Universidad Nacional de Concepción in Paraguay. The relationships between beliefs and academic performance in mathematics are identified. The validity and reliability of the CreeMat questionnaire used in this context is also examined. The population consisted of 113 students, the sampling was non-probabilistic and with voluntary participation. Different data mining techniques were implemented to model the relationship between beliefs and academic performance in mathematics: Multiple Linear Regression, Partial Least Squares Regression and Bayesian Networks. The results show relationships between different dimensions of beliefs and performance, in which positive beliefs about problem solving and the affective and behavioural dimension related to the student's commitment to mathematical learning stand out. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire for this population and context is confirmed.
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