Teaching performance from the perspective of Marketing students, a look at social aspects
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teaching profession
quality of education
professional training
moral conscience profesión docente
calidad de la educación
formación profesional
conciencia moral

How to Cite

Hernández Romero, G. (2023). Teaching performance from the perspective of Marketing students, a look at social aspects: Teaching performance . Aula Abierta, 52(3), 237–242. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.52.3.2023.237-242


The incorporation of values ​​in teaching performance can contribute to the reaffirmation of the soft skills of future professionals, which is why the objective of this research is to present the perspective of students regarding the behavior of teachers in the classroom. , therefore the work was developed under a descriptive design, with a quantitative approach, since surveys were applied to 150 students of the Marketing degree of a Mexican public university, during the months of October - December of the year 2022. Among the results, it stands out that for the students surveyed, respect is the main value implemented by teachers, and ethics is one of the most necessary. On the other hand, among the qualities that students look for in teachers when choosing their schedules, responsibility and passion for teaching stand out, and the most important quality in teaching performance, from the perspective of the students, is the passion for teaching. teaching. It is extremely important that educators are aware of their actions and performance, since more than 50% of the students indicated that their level of influence in their lives is high.

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