The emotions of Educational and Psychoeducational Guidance Teams of the Community of Madrid regarding their status and functions within the framework of the right to inclusive education
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reflexive thematic analysis
inclusive education
psychological evaluation
school counsellors análisis temático reflexivo
educación inclusiva
evaluación psicopedagógica

How to Cite

Palomo Rodríguez, R., Simón Rueda, C., & Echeita Sarrionandia, G. (2024). The emotions of Educational and Psychoeducational Guidance Teams of the Community of Madrid regarding their status and functions within the framework of the right to inclusive education. Aula Abierta, 53(1), 89–98.


According to General Comment Nº4 (UN, 2016), the right to inclusive education is incompatible with the presence of dual education systems. However, many countries have reinterpreted the concept of inclusion, considering segregated environments as a suitable option in certain cases. This dilemma places Spanish school counselors at the forefront, as they are responsible for identifying students who will undergo segregated schooling through psychoeducational assessments. This study, conducted in the Community of Madrid (Spain), aims to explore the emotions and concerns experienced by professionals in the Educational and Psychoeducational Guidance Teams, where school counselors work, related to their situation and the role they play in the educational system. A reflexive thematic analysis study was conducted, capturing the perspectives of 177 professionals through 21 focus groups. The results reveal feelings of stress, frustration and solitude stemming from the excessive workload that these professionals face, their role in promoting inclusive education and their relationship with schools and the administration.
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