N.º 29
Trabajos de Geología Nº 29

International Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics (Part 1)

M. Gutiérrez-Medina, J. Poblet, D. Pedreira, C. López-Fernández
International Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics (YORSGET-08): introduction
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R. W. H. Butler
Submarine thrust belts: combining marine seismic and field analogues to study the localization of contractional deformation in sedimentary successions
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J. F. Dewey, M. A. Mange, P. D. Ryan
Arc-continent collision: orogeny and continental growth
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R. J. Lisle
Geological folds in three dimensions
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J. Malavieille
Impact of surface processes on the dynamics of orogenic wedges: analogue models and case studies
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N. S. Mancktelow
Fracture and flow in natural rock deformation
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A. Pérez-Estaún, J. Escuder-Viruete, D. Brown
Orogenic processes in transpressional regimes
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J. G. Ramsay
Structural Geology: where have we come from and where might we be going next?
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A. M. C. Şengör
Tectonic evolution of the Mediterranean: a dame with four husbands
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J. Suppe, M-H. Huang, S. Carena
Mechanics of thrust belts and the weak-fault/strong-crust problem
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C. E. Macellari
Exploration success in the Subandean Trend of South America
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S. Naruk, F. Dula, M. Mora-Glukstad
Future of structural geology research. An Oil Industry perspective
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D. Aerden, S. Aldaher, M. Bouybaouene, M. Sayab
Microstructural map of a thin-section scale fold pair; implications for folding mechanism in a fine-grained garnet
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D. Aerden, M. Sayab
Comparing porphyroblasts and plate motions in the Betic Cordillera
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M. Aflaki, M. Mohajjel
Structural evolution of the Laibid pop-up structure, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, West Iran
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G. I. Alsop
Unravelling patterns of folding in high-strain zones
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A. Amilibia
Compressional deformation along the Chañarcillo basin west margin: North Chilean Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous back-arc basin
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F. Anahnah, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, O. Azzouz, P. Ruano, A. Chalouan, A. Pedrera, A. Ruiz-Constan, N. Bouregba
The Nador dipole: one of the main magnetic anomalies of the NE Rif
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B. Antolín, E. Appel, C. Montomoli, I. Dunkl, L. Ding, R. Gloaguen
Magnetic fabric study in the Triassic slates of the Tethyan Himalaya (SE Tibet)
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J. Babault, J. Van Den Driessche, A. Teixell
Tectonics from topography: two examples from the Pyrenees and the High Atlas
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J. Bausà, S. Tavani, F. Storti, J. A. Muñoz
Longitudinal fracture generation in the Fiastrone anticline, Sibillini thrust sheet, Northern Apennines (Italy)
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F. Bechis, L. Giambiagi
Kinematic analysis of small-scale faults and its application to the study of an extensional depocentre, Neuquén basin, west-central Argentina
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A. Beidinger, K. Decker, K. H. Roch
Combined geophysical, geomorphological and geological studies at the active Lassee Segment of the Vienna Basin Fault System
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S. Bigi, C. Galuppo, L. Perfetti, S. Colella, M. Civalleri
Along-strike pre-orogenic thickness variation and onlapping geometries control on thrust wedge evolution: insights from sandbox analogue modelling
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S. Burchardt, D. C. Tanner, M. Krumbholz
Emplacement of the Slaufrudalur Pluton, southeast Iceland, deduced from field observations and its three-dimensional shape
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S. Burchardt, T. R. Walter
Sequential formation and propagation of caldera ring-faults analysed in analogue experiments
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S. Y. Cao, J. L. Liu, B. Leiss
Deformation microstructures and textures, and regional tectonic significance of high-temperature shearing of the Diancang Shan Complex, Yunnan, China
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N. Carrera, J. A. Muñoz
Structure and thrusting evolution of the southern Cordillera Oriental (N Argentine Andes)
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E. Casciello, J. Vergés, D. W. Hunt, E. Blanc
Fold distribution and multilayer properties, a case study from the Lurestan province of Iran
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G. Casini, P. D. Ryan
Structural analysis of the Louisburgh-Clare island succession, Co. Mayo, Ireland
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L. Casini, P. Senserini, G. Oggiano
Evidence for water-assisted diffusion creep in the mylonitic gneisses of Giuncana, northern Sardinia, Italy
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J. Černý, R. Melichar, M. Knižek, J. Janečka
Touching the detachment (Ockov Fault, Barrandian, Czech Republic)
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A. Çiçek, A. Koçyičit
A NNE-trending active graben in the Isparta Angle, SW Turkey: Karamık Graben, its geometry, age and earthquake potential
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P. Clariana, J. García-Sansegundo, J. Gavaldá
The structure in the Bagneres de Luchon and Andorra cross sections (Axial Zone of the central Pyrenees)
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C. D. Connors, B. Radovich, A. Danforth, S. Venkatraman
The structure of the Offshore Niger Delta
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N. Cubas, B. Maillot, Y. M. Leroy, C. Barnes, M. Pubellier
Prediction of thrusting sequence based on maximum rock strength and sandbox validation
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M. Dabrowski, D. W. Schmid
Mechanical anisotropy of a two-phase composite consisting of aligned elliptical inclusions
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D. D'Amato, B. Pace, J. Cabral, P. M. Figueiredo
The Vale de Santarém Neogene trough in the seismotectonics framework of the Lower Tagus Valley (Portugal)
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Z. Davoodi, A. Yassaghi
Syn- to post-collision role of Izeh transverse fault zone in deformation of the Zagros fold-thrust belt
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J. De Vera, J. Ginés, M. Oehlers, K. McClay, J. Doski
Structure of the Zagros fold and thrust belt in the Kurdistan Region, northern Iraq
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J. De Vera, K. McClay
Structure of the western Brooks Range fold and thrust belt, Arctic Alaska
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L. Di Francesco, S. Fabbi, M. Santantonio, J. Poblet, S. Bigi
Forward modelling of the Montagna dei Fiori fault-related fold (Central Apennines, Italy), using combined kinematic models
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R. Díez Fernández, J. R. Martínez Catalán
Variscan recumbent folding of Ordovician plutons in the Malpica-Tui Unit (NW Iberia)
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J. C. Duarte, V. Valadares, P. Terrinha, F. Rosas, N. Zitellini, E. Gràcia
Anatomy and tectonic significance of WNW-ESE and NE-SW lineaments at a transpressive plate boundary (Nubia-Iberia)
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U. Exner, E. Draganits, B. Grasemann
Folding in Miocene, unconsolidated clastic sediments (Vienna basin, Austria) – gravitational versus tectonic forces
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F. J. Fernández, F. Díaz-García, J. Marquínez
Quartz fabrics pattern along the Forcarei synform (NW Iberian Massif) and their tentative tectonic model
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J. Fernández-Lozano, D. Sokouties, E. Willingshofer, G. De Vicente, S. Cloetingh
Lithospheric-scale folding in Iberia from the perspective of analogue modelling
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G. Fernández-Viejo, J. Gallastegui, J. A. Pulgar
Structure and tectonic evolution of the eastern Cantabrian margin: results from the MARCONI multichannel seismic data
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O. Ferrer, E. Roca, B. Benjumea, J. A. Muñoz
The role of the extensional Mesozoic structure during the Pyrenean contractional deformation at the western Parentis basin: constraints from the MARCONI-3 deep seismic reflection profile
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O. Ferrer, E. Roca, M. P. A. Jackson, J. A. Muñoz
Effects of Pyrenean contraction on salt structures of the offshore Parentis Basin (Bay of Biscay)
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U. Fracassi, G. Milano, R. Di Giovambattista, G. Ventura
Imaging the polarity switch between large seismogenic normal faults in the southern Apennines (Italy)
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E. Frankowicz, K. McClay, K. Pietsch
Synthetic seismic modelling - an application to interpretation of structurally complex areas
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N. Friese, A. Vollbrecht, B. Leiss, O. Jacke
Multi-stage development of Cambrian sedimentary dykes in the Paleoproterozoic granites from the Västervik area (SE Sweden): evidence from macro and microfabrics
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Ł. Gągała
Performance maps – a tool for examination of reliability of procedures for automatic separation of heterogeneous fault/slip and calcite twin data
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V. H. García, E. O. Cristallini
Numerical modeling of interplay between growth folds and fluvial-alluvial erosion-sedimentation processes
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J. Gómez-Barreiro, J. R. Martínez Catalán, D. Prior, H. R. Wenk, I. Lonardelli, S. Vogel, F. Díaz-García, R. Arenas, S. Sánchez-Martínez
Textural record of an intra-oceanic subduction: the Careón ophiolite (NW Spain)
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E. Gómez-Rivas, A. Griera
Influence of mechanical anisotropy on shear fracture development
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R. Gordon
Komatiitic nickel troughs: inverted rift systems
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J. Grabowski, O. Babek, J. Hladil, P. Pruner, P. Schnabl, T. Werner, M. Gersl, J. Otava
Late Variscan remagnetization of Devonian carbonates in the Moravo-Silesian zone (Czech Republic): implications for dating tectonic deformation
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P. Granado, J. De Vera, K. R. McClay
Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Orange Basin, SW Africa
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B. Grasemann, D. A. Schneider, C. Iglseder, C. Tschegg
Characteristics of low-angle normal faulting in Serifos (Western Cyclades, Greece)
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J. C. Grimmer, X. Qi, Z. Xu
Magnetofabrics of eclogites and ultramafic rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project: evidence for ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) texture inheritance throughout retrogression
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P. P. Hernaiz-Huerta, J. A. Díaz de Neira, J. García-Senz, E. Lopera, J. Escuder-Viruete, A. Pérez-Estaún
Contrasting structural styles in SW Dominican Republic as an evidence of strain partitioning in an island arc (Hispaniola)–continent (North America) oblique collisional setting
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R. S. Huismans, C. Beaumont
Structural style of formation of passive margins, insights from dynamical modelling
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R. S. Huismans, C. Beaumont
Structural style of inversion of rifts and passive margins: feedback between mountain building and surface processes
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D. Iacopini, R. Carosi
Lyapunov method: a tool to describe fabric attractor in non-linear and heterogeneous flows with application to shear zones
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D. Iacopini, R. Carosi
Some kinematic properties of complex eigenvalues in 3D homogeneous flows
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D. Iacopini, C. Frassi, R. Carosi, C. Montomoli
Limits and biases on the three-dimensional vorticity analysis using porphyroblast system: a discussion and application to natural example
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C. Iglseder, B. Grasemann, D. A. Schneider, I. Lenauer, A. H. N. Rice, K. G. Nikolakopoulos, P. I. Tsombos, M. Müller, K. Voit
Characteristics of low-angle normal fault formation on Kea (Western Cyclades, Greece)
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P. Jara, R. Charrier, M. Farías, C. Arriagada
Geometric reconstruction and trishear model of folding: a case study in the western Principal Cordillera, Central Chile (34º15’S – 34º30’S)
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L. A. Jensen, H. Lebit, S. Paterson, R. Miller, R. Vernon
Co-axial refolding and inverted regional metamorphism in the Tonga formation: Cretaceous accretionary thrust tectonics in the Cascades crystalline core
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P. Kanjanapayont, M. A. Edwards, B. Grasemann
The dextral strike-slip Khlong Marui Fault, southern Thailand
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S. T. Johnston, A. M. Monahan, G. Gutiérrez-Alonso, A. B. Weil
The significance of bent mountain belts
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M. Kernstockova, R. Melichar
Numerical paleostress analysis – the limits of automation
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M. Knížek, R. Melichar, J. Janečka
The stratigraphy separation diagram–an amazing tool for fault analysis
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S. Kövér, L. Fodor, K. Judik, T. Németh, P. Árkai, K. Balogh, S. Kovács
Temperature, pressure and age constraints on the very low-grade metamorphism of the Jurassic Telekesoldal Nappe (Inner Western Carpahians) in NE Hungary – a summary
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M. Krumbholz, A. Vollbrecht, H. Obermeyer
Determination of recent stress directions and faults in the Leinetal-Graben; Germany – first experiences with the new NEMR-method
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P. Lafuente, L. Arlegui
Where faults meet: palaeostress analysis at the juncture of the Concud and Teruel faults
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X. Legrand
Salt-driven, thin-skinned tectonics and inherited deep seated fault-driven thick tectonics in the Dezful Embayment (Zagros, Iran), illustrated by regional 2D geomechanical restoration
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I. Lenauer, G. Mörtl, B. Grasemann, C. Iglseder
Structural investigations along a low-angle normal fault zone (Kythnos, Greece)
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S. Llana-Fúnez, D. Brown, R. Carbonell, J. Álvarez-Marrón, M. Salisbury
Seismic anisotropy of upper mantle-lower continental crust rocks in Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain) from crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) patterns
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S. Llana-Fúnez, E. H. Rutter
Direct shear experiments on Solnhofen limestone at high temperature – an experimental analogue of transpression
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L. Longridge, R. L. Gibson, J. A. Kinnaird
Dome formation mechanisms in the southwestern Central Zone of the Damara Orogen, Namibia
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