Vol. 52 No. 1 (2023): Education for diversity, inclusion, and the development of specific skills
Education for diversity, inclusion, and the development of specific skills

In this first issue of volume 52, Aula Abierta addresses various topics related to education and the role of teachers in promoting diversity, inclusion in the classroom, and the acquisition and development of specific competencies. The presented articles investigate themes such as teacher creativity and its relationship with respect for sexual diversity among high school students, the perspective of teachers on the school context in inclusive education, the importance of interculturality in the educational and coexistence projects of Spanish schools, as well as the perceptions of school principals in disadvantaged contexts regarding leadership and school organization. The issue also explores topics related to teacher training, such as the relationship between mathematical and reading competence of teachers in training, teacher self-efficacy in classroom management in primary and secondary education, and the analysis of the Practicum organization in teacher training studies in Spanish universities. Finally, a systematic literature review of research on Phonics in the Anglo-Saxon world and in Spain is presented, which addresses the importance of using this methodology to improve reading competence in students. Aula Abierta offers in this issue a broad and diverse vision of the challenges and opportunities facing teachers in an inclusive and diverse education such as that found in today's schools.


Luis J. Rodríguez-Muñiz
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Ricard Huerta, Vicente Alfonso-Benlliure
Teacher’s creativity and commitment: an analysis of factors involved in respecting the sexual diversity of secondary school students
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Andrés Escarbajal Frutos , Juan Carlos Cárceles Muñoz , Tomás Izquierdo Rus
Teachers’ perspective about the school context in inclusive education
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Irimia Cerviño Abeledo, Àngels Torrelles Montanuy
The value of interculturality in educational and coexistence projects in Spanish schools: the case of Catalonia
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Mireia Tintoré, Rafael López-Meseguer, Diego Ardura, Arturo Galán
Perceptions of management teams about leadership and school organization in disadvantaged contexts
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María Burgos, Jorhan Chaverri
Exploring prospective primary school teachers' perceptions of pupils' mathematical thinking in a proportionality problem
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Lucía Mirete, Encarna Bas-Peña, Javier J. Maquilón
Relationship between mathematical competence and reading competence of pre-service teachers, with a gender perspective
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Ieva Margeviča-Grinberga , Sandra Lake, Tamara Pigozne, Jani Siirilä , Svetlana Surikova
A pedagogical framework to promote sustainable financial literacy in competence-based vocational secondary education and training: The SuFi project case
Héctor González-Mayorga, Agustín Rodríguez Esteban
Classroom management self-efficacy in primary and secondary teachers: predictor variables and teacher profiles
PDF (Español (España))
Sebastià Verger-Gelabert, Laia Riera-Negre, Maria Rosa Rosselló-Ramón, Bartomeu Mut-Amengual
Prácticum analysis in Early Childhood and Primary Education Studies in Spanish universities
PDF (Español (España))
Javier Fernández Molina, English
A Systematic Literature Review of the Research on Phonics in the English-speaking World and in Spain