Vol. 51 No. 3 (2022): Advances in educational research (ter)
Advances in educational research (ter)

This issue completes the third part of volume 51, entirely dedicated to research articles in our Miscellaneous section. As in the two previous issues, technology, and its role as a resource and engine of education, continues to have a presence in the published articles. There are also several quantitative and qualitative investigations dedicated to the initial teacher training (either elementary or secondary school) and teachers' professional development. The issue is completed with various works on gender and cultural diversity, as well as democratic and civic education. As it obeys the spirit of Aula Abierta, educational research in any field and of any type, with the sole filter of quality and rigor, is well represented in this issue.


Luis J. Rodríguez-Muñiz
PDF (Español (España))
Adrián Neubauer, Mª Ángeles Nicolás Ruiz, Sara Álvarez Pavón
Human Rights Education for a democratic citizenship in the curricula of Spain, Finland and Ireland: A comparative study
PDF (Español (España))
María Graciela Badilla-Quintana, Gabriela Ramírez-Peña, Francisco Sandoval-Henríquez, Fabiola Sáez-Delgado, Ligia Gómez-Franco
Use of mobile technology in the development of cognitive skills of high school students with special educational needs
Roberto Sanz Ponce, Pau García Grau, Juan Antonio Giménez Beut
Psychometric properties of a Questionnaire on Teaching Difficulties among Master's Degree Students
Carmen Vizoso
Job demands-resources theory among teachers. A systematic review
PDF (Español (España))
Lucía Rodríguez Olay
Does children's and young people's literature influence the construction of gender stereotypes? Analysis of Responses from 5th and 6th Grade Primary School Students.
PDF (Español (España))
Raúl Tárraga-Mínguez, María José Chisvert-Tarazona, Juan García-Rubio, Alicia Ros-Garrido
Second chance schools: a curricular proposal aimed at educational return and professional insertion
PDF (Español (España))
Francisco Raso Sánchez, DAVID SANTANA ARANDA
Satisfaction of rural teachers of Granada (Spain) regarding their professional development
PDF (Español (España))
Antonio Cabrera-Vázquez, Eva M. Romera, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, Carmen Gil del Pino, Daniel Falla
Civic moral disengagement, empathy, and attitudes of prospective teachers towards cultural diversity
PDF (Español (España))
Cynthia Martinez Garrido, Nina Hidalgo Farran, Carmen Márquez Vázquez, Raquel Graña Oliver
Teaching conceptions about democracy in education in Spain. A phenomenographic study
PDF (Español (España))
Elena García-Vila, Mª José Mayorga-Fernández, Francisco D. Guillén-Gámez, Mª del Pilar Sepúlveda-Ruiz
Prediction of emotional competence in future education teachers through a multiple logistic regression model and classification trees