Evaluation of a media literacy intervention for adult education teachers linked to the 2030 Agenda
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alfabetización mediática
objetivos de desarrollo sostenible
formación docente
educación de adultos
método mixto Media literacy
sustainable development goals
teacher education
adult education
mixed method

How to Cite

Buenestado-Fernández, M., García-Ruiz, R., Vizcaíno-Verdú, A., & Renés-Arellano, P. (2023). Evaluation of a media literacy intervention for adult education teachers linked to the 2030 Agenda. Aula Abierta, 52(3), 251–259. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.52.3.2023.251-259


International organizations promote the development of media literacy to favour equal opportunities and the construction of a fairer, more equitable and sustainable society in line with the 2030 Agenda. Despite this, the media literacy of adult education teachers has lagged, increasing the gap in the digital ecosystem. This paper presents research conducted in parallel to an intervention project on media literacy and the Sustainable Development Goals, aimed at teachers of youth and adult in the Dominican Republic. It contemplates two objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of a training proposal on this topic and to determine the transfer of learning to the classroom. For this purpose, we applied a mixed research design. The results show the evolution of learning linked to the conceptual framework of media literacy, the functioning of the media and the implementation of media education linked to sustainable development. However, the teachers consider it necessary to further adapt the intervention to the Dominican context to optimize the transfer to the classroom. This research provides evidence of a training proposal with capacity for replication and institutionalization in the continuing education of adult education teachers.

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