Vol. 52 No. 2 (2023): Current Research Perspectives in Education and Society
Current Research Perspectives in Education and Society

In this issue, we present a variety of articles that have undergone our review processes over the past months in the miscellaneous section. They address topics of great relevance in the educational and social spheres. From validating a questionnaire on habits and usage of social media among university students to research attitudes and knowledge regarding animal-assisted intervention. Additionally, you will find analyses on learning strategies and motivation of Pedagogy degree students, social skills in at-risk youth, as well as perceptions of harassment in the academic world, among other topics of interest. We trust that you will find their reading as engaging as it has been for our editorial team.


Luis J. Rodríguez-Muñiz
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María Helena Romero Esquinas, Juan Manuel Muñoz González, María Dolores Hidalgo Ariza, Cristian Ariza Carrasco
Validation of a questionnaire on habits and uses of social networks in students of an Andalusian university
PDF (Español (España))
Francisco-Ignacio Revuelta-Domínguez, Cristobal Suárez-Guerrero, Carol Rivero-Panaqué, Mario-Armando Cartagena-Beteta
Adaptation of the questionnaire for the assessment of digital competencies in higher education
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Sergio Murcia, Xiroi Pastor Pastor, Jorge Lizandra Mora
Investigating the Strava Educational Project: an analysis from motivational theories, the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and the intention to practice physical activity
PDF (Español (España))
Rafael Martos-Montes, María Eugenia Díaz-Sánchez, Javier López-Cepero , Rafael Francisco Delgado-Rodríguez, David Ordóñez-Pérez
Attitudes and knowledge about Animal-Assisted Intervention among educational professionals
PDF (Español (España))
Adriana Gewerc, Angela González-Villa, Ana Rodríguez-Groba
Pedagogy undergraduate student´s learning strategies and motivation: Between waiting for rewards and scarce critical thinking
PDF (Español (España))
Elena Cano García
Analysis of the effects of the criteria engagement strategies
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Víctor Amar
Conversations around university dialogue in the classroom
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Social skills and related factors in young people at risk of social exclusion: a systematic review
PDF (Español (España))
M. Antonia Gomila Grau, Belén Pascual Barrio, Dr, Carmen Orte
Family socio-educational interventions in school and community settings
PDF (Español (España))
Milena Villar Varela, Felicidad Barreiro Fernández, María-José Méndez-Lois
Are you likely to be bullied at the academy? Perceptions of the university community
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