Aula Abierta

Current Issue

Vol. 53 No. 4 (2024)
Published December 20, 2024
Monograph: "Inclusive Education: Narratives from Action for the Creation of Educational, Community, and Research Networks"

This monograph focuses on inclusive and equitable education from a social justice perspective, exploring various lines of research and innovative practices. It opens with Kyriaki Messiou's contribution to student participation and its role in educational inclusion. Highlighted works include the analysis of digital media use in contexts of inequality, the interdisciplinary response to the needs of children with rare diseases, and teacher collaboration to support vulnerable students. Additionally, it examines teacher training in gender and sexual diversity in higher education and the school segregation of foreign students in Spain. The issue concludes with a study on a video game as a tool to promote inclusion in classrooms.

In addition to the articles in the monograph, this edition is complemented by three miscellaneous section papers: one on digital civic education in Peru, another on the disposition towards critical thinking among Spanish Vocational Education students, and a technological enrichment program for gifted students, also developed in Spain.


Inclusive Education: Narratives from Action for the Creation of Educational, Community, and Research Networks

Estibaliz Amenabarro Iraola, Dolors Forteza Forteza, Federico R. Wattoiler
Inclusive education: action narratives for the creation of educational, community and research networks
PDF (Español (España))
Leire Darretxe Urrutxi, Igone Aróstegui Barandica
Inclusive education: action narratives for the creation of educational, community and research networks: Dialogue and student participation in educational research and practice: Promoting inclusion in schools. Lecture by Kyriaki Messiou
Pilar Lasheras-Lalalana, Begoña Vigo-Arrazola, Lucía Torres-Sales
Teachers' perceptions of inclusive practices with digital media in schools of special difficulties. A mixed study
PDF (Español (España))
Zuriñe Gaintza, Igone Aróstegui, Joxe Jimenez-Jimenez
Interdisciplinary and coordinated proposal for the improvement of the quality of life of children with rare diseases and their families
PDF (Español (España))
José Ramón Lago Martínez , Aida Sanahuja Ribés, Nere Amenabar Perurena, Jesús Soldevila Pérez
Collaborative strategy to improve the inclusion of at risk of exclusion through cooperative learning
PDF (Español (España))
Mª Jesús Colmenero Ruiz, Español Español, Español Español, Español Español
Analysis of the Knowledge of Sex and Gender Diversity Among University Students: An Exploratory Study
PDF (Español (España))
Cynthia Martinez-Garrido, Daniel Turienzo
The educational challenge of foreign students in Spain. A school segregation study
PDF (Español (España))
Pablo Gayo Pérez, Silvia López Gómez, Mª Montserrat Castro Rodríguez
El viaje de Elisa, a videogame for inclusion in Secondary Education?
PDF (Español (España))


José Javier Romero-Díaz de la Guardia, María del Carmen Olmos-Gómez, Marina García-Garnica
Skills for a working future. A model based on critical thinking in Vocational Training and Baccalaureate students
Osbaldo Turpo-Gebera, Cinthia Rosales Márquez, Antonia Ramírez-García, Karina Chirinos-Tovar, Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, Rocio Diaz Zavala
Digital Citizenship Formation in students of a peruvian public university: Diagnosis and Evaluation
PDF (Español (España))
Pilar Serna Berná, Carmen Ferrándiz García, Mercedes Ferrando Prieto
Effects of an enrichment program with educational technology on the self-concept of gifted students
PDF (Español (España))
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