Vol. 52 No. 4 (2023): Monograph “Themes, models, and lines of research in the didactics of language and literature in educational contexts”
Monograph “Themes, models, and lines of research in the didactics of language and literature in educational contexts”
This monograph aims to offer an overview of current research trends in language and literary education, along with the methodological foundations that support them. It includes the latest research on specific topics within the field, such as the teaching of foreign and native languages, literary education, the application of innovative techniques and methodologies in language and literary education, and teacher training. These topics are explored in relation to teaching practices in educational contexts, spanning from early childhood education to university.

Monograph: Themes, models, and lines of research in the didactics of language and literature in educational contexts

María del Rosario Neira Piñeiro, Alberto Fernández Costales
Introduction to the monograph: Themes, models, and lines of research in the didactics of language and literature in educational contexts
PDF (Español (España))
Amando López Valero, Domingo Albarracín Vivo, Isabel Jerez Martínez, Eduardo Encabo Fernández
Media influence and knowledge of traditional stories in the written productions of primary school students. Evaluative research
Aída Bárbara Parrales Rodríguez, Begoña Camblor Pandiella, Concepción Francos Maldonado
The role of female characters in the Spanish Language and Literatura textbooks in Primary Education
PDF (Español (España))
Mónica Aznárez Mauleón, Miriam Huárriz Gúrpide
Interview podcasts: effects of a competence-based didactic sequence on students’ oral and written production
PDF (Español (España))
Francesc Rodrigo Segura, Noelia Ibarra Rus
Didactic sequences for teaching reading and writing through the Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education
PDF (Español (España))
Ariane Díaz-Iso, Nerea Gutiérrez-Fernández, Lucía Barrenetxea-Mínguez
Connecting theory and practice: Service Learning methodology in language teaching in Higher Education
PDF (Español (España))
Felipe Munita
Teachers and poetry education: analysis of a continuing education experience in the Chilean context
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Elisabet Contreras Barceló, Lorena Berríos Barra
Approach to the transmedia profile of teachers in training for the mediation of literature: A descriptive study
PDF (Español (España))
Roberto Avello Rodríguez, Xosé Antón González Riaño
The Practicum in the Degree of Primary Education (Asturian): The perspective of students
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Silvia Corral-Robles, Gracia González-Gijón, José Luis Ortega-Martín, Nazaret Martínez-Heredia
SWOT Analysis of the English Language Learning Process in Senior Learners
Sergio David Francisco Déniz, Daniella García Pérez
The perception of the learner about his/her competency development in a EFL gamified learning situation
PDF (Español (España))
Peter Bannister, Alexandra Santamaría-Urbieta, Elena Alcalde-Peñalver
A Systematic Review of Generative AI and (English Medium Instruction) Higher Education